Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Are people EXCITED to give you their money?  Are they smiling at you and happy when they hand over their credit card, cash or check?  Or are they giving it to you begrudgingly, holding their breath that they are doing the right thing and not wasting their hard-earned money?  Are they saying, "Oh no, what have I done?" or are they saying "Thank you so much!" as they walk out the door? Do they feel as happy as YOU do after their purchase?  If not ... why not?

        "Oh no! What have I DONE?"                               "Great! Thank you so much!"


There are SEVEN things you can do to ensure your customers and clients are whistling gleefully after they have paid for your products or services:

1.  Be CLEAR about what your customer is getting - Describe in detail what you are offering them and how it will help them. Make sure you don't leave question marks hanging in the air.

2.  "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Perhaps you've heard this! Don't try to impress your prospect with ALL the bells and whistles your offer affords them.  Find out first what their needs are and what THEY are interested in.  Focus on that as you paint your clear picture, and leave the rest for another day!  Help them see that you really care about THEM, about what they need and that you are sincere about helping them get what they want!

3.  Make sure you are solving a problem!  If you are not solving a pain point for your prospect, they can take or leave your offer; might depend on their mood.  But if what you have truly solves a pressing challenge for them, they will be ecstatic and anxious to receive what you have!

4.  Start with the right MINDSET! Remember you are not really offering your widget, your consultation, or your service. You are offering a SOLUTION! You need to start with this mindset, otherwise you will come across as just selling something!

5.  Testimonials are a key component to potential customers feeling confident about working with you.  They will trust someone else's opinion of your services MUCH faster than they will trust your descriptions and promises, though necessary to make the sale.  Be sure to add credible, positive testimonials to the mix.

6.  Ever heard of a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE? Of course! I can't think of anything that will make a customer feel more comfortable than knowing they will not "loose out" if your product or service does not work for them.  Just bite the bullet and do it!  The many more people willing to engage with you because of your guarantee will far outweigh the few who request a refund. Plus, with this, you are also protecting your precious reputation!  

7.  Most important of all, is to actually provide an EXCELLENT product or service! Make sure that what you are offering is of real value and quality!  Don't skimp on anything!  You'll not only want your customer to be happy, you'll want them to sing your praises and spread the word! This happens when they have a great   experience and a positive story to tell.


I frequented a printing place, and every time I went, I felt like I was intruding on their time.  I never felt like I was important to them at all.  I got my copies, but I always left feeling like saying, "E-x-c-u-s-e- me for interrupting your day!"  Then they raised their prices ... significantly!  TIME FOR A CHANGE!  I decided to go somewhere else, and the new place treated me like gold!  Whenever I need to pick up something quickly on my way to a function, they always had it packaged and ready for me on the counter before I got there.  I could snatch and run.  And every time I would leave saying, "Thank you so much!" It was a heartfelt expression because I so appreciated their good service, and I was excited to give them my money!   Help YOUR customers feel like that too!

To your success,

~Leanne Cannon

Leanne Cannon
Author, Speaker, Business Coach
Social Media Marketing Trainer